Renee Alumni Scholarship

At the encouragement of friends, the Renee Myers Scholarship Endowment was established at Vanguard University, the place where her mother and father met many years before. The scholarship is the first of its kind to assist physically challenged students, students that would find it difficult or impossible to secure a college education without help. The scholarship was created in 2009, and in December of 2012, exciting news was received. The endowment had reached the required threshold, meaning that in 2013 students would begin receiving scholarships, not only in 2013 but also until the end of time.

To date, about fifteen scholarships have been awarded from this endowment helping young students achieve their dreams and goals. The first recipient Was Alyssa Rossi Hicks. Alyssa is now a Vanguard University Alumni. She married her best college friend. They have just had their second child. Alyssa while in school was a religion major and member of the Concert Choir. She committed herself entirely to reach people through worship and teaching. Alyssa was born with a condition called Leber’s congenital amaurosis, she could detect light and darkness, but otherwise, was totally blind. “It’s my way of life,” she says. “I’m very happy with it.” After her Vanguard years, she continues as a beautiful wife, loving mother, in pursuit of her calling to help people see what she feels.

Alyssa is a young woman who understands the mind and heart of Helen Keller. Ms. Keller unable to see, demonstrated vision without sight. Like Helen Keller, Alyssa one day will be remembered for her own quotes like this one from Ms. Keller;  “The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart.”

Renee was not able to pursue a college experience and education, yet, through her scholarship, students like Alyssa and many others have been able to do just that.