Praise for Where Was God When I Needed Him?
“Our path to healing might be quicker were our shepherds brave enough to reveal their wounds. Like a modern-day psalmist, Dr. Myers’s vulnerability helps readers tow that all too familiar tension between our love for God and our frustration with Him when life takes its turns. If you’ve gone through pain—you need to hear what Dan has to say. If you’ve had the pleasure of a pain-free life, read this volume anyway. For as Mama said, ‘If you’ve never known pain, just keep living.’ Thank you, Dan & Dorene, for providing answers to the question we’re all asking!”
—Ricky Jenkins
Senior Pastor, Southwest Church, Indian Wells, CA
“Dr. Dan Myers is a pastor with a unique blend of humor, practical living, and wise counsel. He demonstrates this in all he does as he reaches out to others, listens, and encourages people in every walk of life. Today, the concept of God’s peace is often challenged; but Dr. Dan teaches that despite despair, we can know joy amid sorrow, anxiety, and loss. I am grateful that, in times of personal loss, he has conveyed some of that joy to me. Everyone will benefit from reading Where Was God When I Needed Him?
—Rosemary Jackson
Alumni Director, and Assistant to the President for Alumni Events, Vanguard University 1979-2007
“Dr. Dan Myers pulls back the veneer of glib spirituality in Where Was God When I Needed Him? to face the pain and bewilderment of unexpected tragedy and unanswered prayers. This book is not about providing an answer. It is a travel companion for those of us that are living the question—a must-read.”
—Dr. Michael J. Beals
President, Vanguard University
“Have you have ever been on a mountain top, in a desert, in a storm, or on calm water? If you have ever wondered where God might be in the middle of the mess, or raised your fist or voice and yelled at God (like I have!) during your pain when the miracle did not come, then you will love this book. My friend Dan Myers is no “armchair quarterback” in the journey of well-earned faith. Dan has experienced the heights and depths of life and comes through them with a vibrant faith in God, His Word, and His goodness. Read this book and grow deeper; I know I did.”
—Dr. John Jackson
President of William Jessup University, Speaker, Author of books on personal and organizational transformation
“If you already have all your faith questions answered, then don’t bother reading this book. However, if you sometimes have nagging thoughts that things haven’t turned out as you thought God might provide, then start reading. There is an excellent reason for me to endorse Dan Myers’s journey as told in this book: my wife, Bev, and I traveled with him and Dorene through both the smooth and rough patches of their road. We have been close friends and fellow pastors for over fifty years. As I read Dan’s manuscript, I thought of an alternative title for the book: But Even if He Does Not, in reference to the three guys headed for the furnace in Daniel 3). Dan Myers has shaped my life. I think he will yours as well.”
—Steve Rumpf
Executive Pastor at The King’s Place, Lancaster, CA and at Grace Community Church, Tyler, TX
“My friend, Dan Myers, has written a compelling work about real faith, the kind of faith for the most desperate of times. I believe this book can help provide hope for those who are just hanging on and wondering where God is. All of us need hope and faith. I am incredibly thankful to Dan for the read. I know God is going to use this book to encourage many.”
—Jack Hamilton
Executive Pastor at The High Desert Church, and Mentor Pastor for Transformation Ministries
“How appropriate that this book, Where Was God When I Needed Him, was written by a hang gliding enthusiast! All of us have felt the exhilaration of being lifted above life’s mountain peaks to experience the “power of His resurrection.” But we also have days when we lose our lift and fall back toward earth to experience “the fellowship of His suffering.” This honest look at faith, hope, and love is not merely a theoretical exercise. These insights come from an early mentor of mine who has “slipped the surly bonds” of an earth-bound perspective to live out a life that is eternally significant.”
—Dr. Gary Brandenburg
Pastor-at-Large, Fellowship Bible Church Dallas
“This is a great read for anyone who has/is experiencing the pain of unexpected trauma and tragedy. The author shares from personal experience the shock, the questions, the inner strength that comes from God even when He seems silent and distant. The path to strength, power, and recovery is clearly defined for all who go through these times of emotional and spiritual distress.”
—Dennis A. Davis
Pastor, Denominational Executive, former president of Northwest University
“It was shortly after Renee’s death that we had Dan speak at our couple’s annual dinner for parents who had lost a child. He spoke on, ‘Where Was God When I Needed Him? The Question Everyone’s Asking.’ I remember at the time thinking how helpful it would be if all parents could hear his story, and now through his book, they can. At the beginning of our loss, we did not want to hear about Romans 8:28. The pain makes it difficult to absorb; but as you read Dan’s book, you will see a purpose in your heartache and the good that can come from your loss.”
—Daisy Catching-Shader
Founder and President of Umbrella Ministries
“Reading this gripping book will help you find ‘how to turn an endless tragedy into a limitless future.’ A must-read from start to finish. This book will demonstrate that He’s really there all the time.”
—Ronn Haus
Pastor, Evangelist, Telecaster, Musician
“All of us will experience a tragic loss. The question we’re left to answer is how can our souls grow, and our lives move forward after that moment? Where Was God When I Needed Him? can walk with anyone who is trying to deal with the hand they’ve been dealt–especially when it’s not the hand they would have chosen.”
—Scott Hitzel
Executive Pastor at Fellowship Church in Los Angeles, Southwest Church in Indian Wells, CA, and on pastoral staff at Saddleback Church in California
“Dan Myers challenged my thinking the very first time I met him twenty-five years ago. He is still at it! Where Was God When I Needed Him challenges us to face life’s darkest places and hardest questions. You won’t find cheap, easy answers here. But Dan will point you to the Lord of life, who will one day fill in all the empty blanks.”
—George White
Iowa United Methodist Pastor, Author of Grubbing Hoes, Bibles, and Gavels and Toxin 666: Terror in the Heartland
“As a Marriage/Family therapist, I am often asked this question by clients experiencing gut-wrenching emotional pain who are crying to God for answers. Often God’s silence makes it appear as if He does not care. Dr. Dan Myers vividly and honestly expresses the pain, the questioning, and the despair he and his wife experienced after the accident and eventual homegoing of their precious daughter. He holds nothing back. This book is extremely well written, with the powerful use of scripture pointing people to Christ, and is one I will recommend to clients. A must-read!”
—Jeenie Gordon
LMFT Marriage/Family therapist, author, speaker
“What happens to our faith when the props that have always supported us give way and the ground beneath us begins to crack? When life unexpectedly dishes out pain so unimaginable that it threatens to undo us? Pastor Dan Myers and his lovely wife, Dorene, were forced to find out when the unimaginable happened. Following a sudden tragedy, Dan takes us on a transparent journey toward faith and a trust in God’s love that was deep enough to not only survive, but recover and thrive in Christ once again. I wholeheartedly recommend this book! Sometimes funny, often sobering and painful, enormously encouraging, always profoundly insightful–this volume will be a truly valuable resource and blessing to anyone whose faith is challenged by the traumatic experiences of life. And, sooner or later, that will be all of us!”
—Dr. Clayton Ford
National Co-Director of Holy Spirit Renewal Ministries, pastor, conference speaker, author of Called to High Adventure: A Fresh Look at the Holy Spirit and the Spirit-Filled Life, and Berkeley Journal: Jesus and the Street People, A Firsthand Report. See and
“This book is a must-read for people going through any struggle that they don’t understand. It will be such a treasure for those who are trying to weather their storm. Dr. Myers’s deep understanding has been molded in the crucible of years of pain, prayer, and even disillusionment. Through it all, he realized and rested in the wisdom and faithfulness of a beyond-amazing God. Readers will vicariously experience Myers’s most inner thoughts, fears, and victories. Such wisdom resulted! No doubt, you will find consolation and hope through your storm.”
—Gerald R. Wheeler, Ed.D.
“I can’t think of a person more equipped to write on why God allows pain and suffering. Dan Myers is the Pastor Emeritus at the church I currently lead, and the events he describes took place in our town and church. His deeply insightful meditations are grounded in biblical truth, yet confront the honest, heartfelt questions he had to process as he dealt with the tragic loss of his daughter. Myers’s vulnerability, compassion, and deep-seated confidence in Christ will not only be a balm for the souls of those currently going through hardship, but prove a valuable resource for pastors and counselors as well.”
—Chris Johnson
Lead Pastor of Grace Chapel, Lancaster, CA
“This book is a Christ-empowered book that can provide direction for each of us in our life’s walk when things get tough and beyond our human understanding and control. The book reflects turning all our unexplainable adversities over to God and exemplifies how Dan, and the love of his life, Dorene, chose to cope with the realities of life’s hard times, not chosen by them. This book can be summarized as a genuine, adventurous, surrendering, no-nonsense God-serving love journey. It’s based on Dan and Dorene’s unprecedented and unconditional faith, hope, and trust that God would provide both wisdom and answers for their questions. He did.”
—Dick Williams
Business Entrepreneur, Past Chairman Southwest Church Elder Board
“On guiding Dan through his insatiable quest to master the sport of hang gliding, I was blessed to get to know one of those rare individuals that leave lasting impressions on all whose paths they cross. Just meeting him was a delight. Listening to him was always a gift; and now reading of his journey through some of the most difficult times one can imagine, is nothing short of a treasure. Dan’s book is a treasure for everyone who is or has been lost, or in the future, finds him or herself helpless and short on hope. Thank you, Dan, for your gift.”
—Joe Greblo
Professional Flight Instructor, Los Angeles, CA
“The book is a fantastic journey through tragedy, struggle, and ultimate victory. As I turned the pages, my own experience of loss echoed in my mind. Who among us has not asked, “Where is God?” when confronted with tragedy. Your deep dive into personal experience and biblical exploration brings comfort and peace. God’s sovereignty can be perplexing when we are in the middle of a personal trial, but it is ultimately the hope that leads us to embrace an eternal perspective and knowledge of our Creator’s great love.”
—George Runner
Educator, a former member of the California House of Representatives and California State Senate
I know of no one better to help you navigate the times we all face in our lives when it seems that God has gone missing. The combination of caring for others as a faithful shepherd, his own deeply moving personal experience, and his faithfulness to Scripture and story will provide you with a trusted guide on your journey.
—Dr. Dennis Easter
Executive Minister for Southern California Four Square Churches
Additional Responses
(Not an endorsement, but an interesting read by the first reader) “Hi, Dan … I know you asked Ronn to write a bit about your book but I have to tell you … it was RIGHT ON! I think all of us at one time or another (or perhaps MORE than one or two times!) have asked: “God where are you when I need you?” I have!! The worst time of my life!! I found my own hope was hanging on with my bare hands to the knot at the end of the rope and praising God that I still had a rope!! I also concluded that only God knows my future (hello? what’s new there!) There were nights I couldn’t sleep, I would listen to worship CD’s, couldn’t pray so I would read hymns (counted that as my prayer book) … God was there all the time, but I sure couldn’t see, hear, or even feel Him. I had to go with bare naked faith that He would never leave me nor forsake me, that His Word was true, and He wasn’t going to stop being God just for me! Crazy! Took a few years but He came thru!
When I started your book I read several chapters, went to bed, another sleepless night so got up at 3:30 AM and finished it … I was hooked! You’re ending, “The Puzzle Comes Together,” began to show once again how God brings good out of pain … just still don’t like pain or understand it!! I guess the understanding is that “in” it … we seek Him!
The ripple effect of your daughter’s life and death, what you and Doreen have gleaned, and now through this book will significantly affect those who read this book and know your life. You didn’t give up. You pressed on and through. God gives the results and gets the glory! LOVED IT!”
—Connie Haus
Additional Comments “Stories of high impact people who have gone before us are an invaluable gift for the next generation of leaders – and this story of loss, love, and hope casts valuable life lessons that everyone can benefit from.”
“Where Was God When I Needed Him?” It provides a road map paved through unexpected life experiences and seemingly unfulfilled expectations of God that relate and encourage anyone facing tragic loss.”