Where Was God When I needed Him? was written for all who asked the question, “Why do bad things happen to good people?” After reading the introduction and a few pages, some will conclude this is one of those books written only for Christians, they would be wrong. If we live long enough, the title question will one day saturate our thoughts, Christian or not.
A tragedy is not unique to Christians, nor is it limited to those who profess no faith in God. When life goes wrong, people of all persuasions will often cry out, Where was God When I Needed Him? Many Christians will feel obligated to speak for God instead of hearing what He says. The unfortunate result is often empty platitudes that leaves the one suffering with anger and without hope.
For the person, without faith, I offer a way to see, know, and experience a God who loves. Especially in times of crisis, it’s essential and helpful to see yourself through God’s eyes, helping you to take the first steps that have eternal promise and present help.
I invite you to join our family on a journey that began with Hurt and Hopelessness, yet in such despair found Healing and Hope. One of the book endorsers commented, “No one should pick up the book and read just the final chapter, thinking let me see the answer, NO, the whole book needs to be read to understand how and why the words of the apostle Paul eventually make sense, ‘All things work together for good to them who love the Lord, and are called according to his purpose.’” Romans 8:28